“Elysium” may be the thirteenth studio album of veteran Finnish power metal quintet Stratovarius’ long career, but the band show no signs of slowing down as they release one of the strongest albums of their career.
“Elysium” creates stories in its songs as the lyrics regale tales of everyday life as well as the more fantastical elements usually connected with the power metal genre. The music is equally as powerful, as crashing guitar melodies meld beautifully sith soaring keyboard harmonies to create a vivid sound that the band have perfected over the last 25 years.
The epic set piece that closes the album is the eighteen minute title track, the longest the band have ever recorded, and a song that manages to avoid being long just for the sake of it. "Elysium" is a sprawling power metal story, captivating from start to finish.
Stratovarius have created a fine album in "Elysium" and have shown the young pretenders of power metal just how things should be done.
Watch: "Darkest Hours"