Season 7 - Episode 10
This episode was plodding along quite nicely until the last two minutes. The last two minutes were absolutely devastating on the same level as when Marshall's dad died. It was impossible not to feel for Barney.
Barney and Robin woke up in bed following the events of last week and both feel absolutely terrible about it. To make matters worse, they both end up on a boat party with their respective partners. Deciding that their feelings for each other are too strong to hide they both decide to break up with their partners when they get off the boat and meet at McLarens at midnight. While Barney breaks up with an incredibly understanding, yet heartbroken Nora, Kevin tells Robin that he loves her. She enters McLarens with Kevin, to the utter devastation of Barney who immediately leaves the bar. As Ted goes upstairs he sees Barney blowing out candles and picking up rose petals from Robin's room, on the verge of tears. Ted leaves Barney to it, pretending he hadn't seen. It's a hammer blow of a scene that gave this episode an extra star on its own.
The ridiculous B-plot sees Ted, Marshall and Lily attend a hippy jam concert. The guys get stoned and find themselves wandering around the arena for hours looking for nachos. Except Lily appears and tells them they had been away for only a couple of minutes. It's a stupid plot, but gets some laughs - especially the scene where CCTV footage shows what they had actually been up to.
"Tick Tick Tick..." was a perfectly acceptable episode up until the last few minutes, which absolutely knocked it out of the park. Here's hoping that Barney's rejection turns him back into the womanizing hero we all know and love. Until Robin realises what she's missing at least.