Thursday 10 November 2011

TV Review: Raising Hope - "Killer Hope"

Season 2- Episode 5
Fox (US)

After a cracking start to its second season where we found out that Jimmy was a child prodigy, Sabrina comes from a rich family, and saw the gang head to Vegas, Raising Hope was another victim of the MLB Playoff hiatus. They returned this week with "Killer Hope" which thankfully carried on with the good run of episodes.

After being informed that Hope has struck out at a kid in her daycare, Jimmy and his parents become worried that she may have inherited the serial killer gene from her now executed mother. Realising that their unconventional family life, full of arguments and scrapes may be contributing to the newly found aggresion in Hope, the family decide to stop arguing in front of her. Naturally for the Chances, this is made difficult by the fact that their house is being fumigated and they're being forced to live in the garden. Of course, it starts raining, and they spend the night in the back of a portable storage unit. The payoff, with Jimmy going crazy at a cop and ending up on the same chain gang as Hope's other grandfather to hear some startling truths puts us back at the status quo, and sets us up nicely for next week.

Raising Hope has been funny since the get go, and into its second season has kept up the consistancy. This episode is a great example of what the show can do, giving all of the main characters some good moments - especially Maw Maw (I also love her credit "and introducing Cloris Leachman"). With a cast and characters this good, it's hard to see where they can go wrong.

*** 1/2

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