Season 3 - Episode 6
Sky 1 (UK)
Modern Family's wonderful ensemble cast has always benefited from stellar writing. In two of the three stories in tonight's episode that is highly evident.
"Go Bullfrogs!" sees Phil (Ty Burrell has this character nailed, Phil is in the top 5 characters on television right now) taking Haley to his old college campus to get her excited about continuing her education. Chaos predictably ensues and of course Phil manages to embarrass his daughter profusely. But it comes full circle as they have a touching father daughter moment to close out the episode. This is what Modern Family is all about. Elsewhere, Gloria worries that Manny may be spanking the monkey in his bedroom, and enlists Jay to give him "the talk". Watching Jay get engrossed in a Columbian soap opera was an absolute delight, and the pay off to the thread was a fantastic piece of visual humour. Only on Cameron and Mitchell's storyline (this week with added Claire) did thigs weaken slightly. The payoff that the "gay" man Claire had been buddying up with all night was actually straight could be seen a mile off, and there seemed to be very little character progression in the arc.
Modern Family's format means you can dip in and out without missing any storyline if you skip a week. A little more serialisation could be a way to improve this excellent show further. However, even in it's current format, I wouldn't recommend missing a week anyway!
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