Tuesday 18 October 2011

TV Review: How I Met Your Mother - "Mystery vs History"

Season 7 - Episode 6

How I met Your Mother is now a show a quarter of the way through its seventh season. And guess what, we're no closer to finding out who the mother is, or how Ted met her. While the early episodes of the season seemed to hint that this may be coming, the last few weks have shyied away from the idea again. However, this can be excused when they produce good episodes. Which this thankfully is. For the most part.

The main plot of Ted realising it's now almost impossible to date without the internet, and how technology rules us all is both funny and irritatingly true. With his friends having done background checks on previous potential partners with disasterous results, Ted wants nothing to do with such checks. While on his date, he finally concedes... and the outcome is disasterous. But not in the way you think.

The b-plot (by default because it just seemed to be the second in the order, although both got pretty equal times) resulted in the rest of the gang (plus Robin's new boyfriend Kevin, played by a charming, but underutilised Kal Penn) painting Lily and Marshall's nursery. Painting it a rather disgusting yellow, because they don't want to find out the baby's gender before it's born. Barney (still wearing the ducky tie - the longer he wears it, the funnier it's getting) of course wants to know. While this leads to a touching scene at the end when the two stories come together, parts of this plot seemed forced - especially the Robin flashbacks (although it is always nice to see Ray Wise as Robin's dad).

All in all, it's a pretty successful episode of a show which is still managing to be funny despite seemingly having lost its entire premise long ago. A bit more focus, and we can maybe get back to the glory days of seasons 2-4.

*** 1/2

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