Season 1 - Episode 7
E4 (UK)
Despite the episodes being shown in (an even more than ABC did in the US) bizarre order, Happy Endings has been a very enjoyable show so far in its first season. The comparisons to Friends are inevitible (six friends, including a married couple and a former couple) all hanging out together almost exclusively, but the similarities pretty much end there.
In this episode (which we'll call Episode 7, as it's the 7th that E4 have shown, and in production order, but the 6th on ABC), Dave and Alex both think the other wants to get back together, but the truth is they actually just find something useful about the bizarre arrangement they seem to have made for themselves. In the end all is sorted out, and this strand ends up being the strongest Dave and Alex plotline of the season so far. The show is pretty much split in three this week with Penny and Jane (the always delightful Eliza Coupe) joining a Krav Maga class, and Max trying to out Brad as a gaycist (insisting that Brad believes all gay men are attracted to each other).
It's another strong showing for Happy Endings, which is now into its second season in the States. The characters are fun, the writing is tight, and the show keeps going from strength to strength.
*** 1/2
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