Thursday 5 January 2012

TV Review: How I Met Your Mother - "Tailgate"

Season 7 - Episode 13

How many fucking times is "Future Ted" going to say "I'll get to that later"? It's becoming increasingly irritating. The good news is though, How I Met Your Mother has remembered it is a comedy, after a few episodes where it was pretending to be a drama. The events of thise episodes do get referenced (slightly), and while there's still a lot of emotional moments in this episode, it's more about the funny than it has been in some time.

The episode is framed by Marshall narrating the story of New Year's Eve by his father's graveside, where he's holding a tailgate party for the Vikings/Bears game as was the tradition between the two of them. It transpires that Marshall is a lot like his dad, a moment of realisation that makes him immensely proud. Also on the father story was Lily's dad, who shows up unexpectedly, delighted that he's going to be a grandfather.

Elsewhere, Robin spends the night chasing after an inebriated (and very welcomly returning) Sandy Rivers, and ends up back on air - setting up Ted's bloody irritating stalling of actually progressing the story. Still, it is nice to see Robin catch a break. And Barney and Ted open Puzzles, the bar they spoke of over two years ago, in Ted's apartment (with some help from Kevin) after being disgusted by the prices at McLaren's. Naturally things don't go as they expect, but it's a really funny thread, with hardman bartender Doug (now a bouncer) making an appearance as well. 

"Tailgate" is nowhere near perfect, but is a servicable episode which hopefully harks at things moving on in the second half of this season. If things do start moving, maybe we'll see a bit more quality coming through - because I really miss the old days.

*** 1/2

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