Friday 11 November 2011

TV Review: The Big Bang Theory - "The Isolation Permutation"

Season 5 - Episode 8

The Big Bang Theory was great it's first two years. It sagged in the third and early part of the fourth, but as soon as Amy Farrah Fowler becamea regular character, the show picked right back up again. This is the first real Amy central episode, and it's every bit as good as I hoped it would be.

The premise of the episode is Amy becoming upset at Penny and Bernadette when they go wedding dress shopping without her. Amy, taken back to basically every other time of her life when she thought she had friends is utterly heartbroken. Sheldon, finding himself unable to contact her, turns up at her apartment and is forced to spend a night cuddling - much to his horror. Penny and Bernadette manage to make things worse when they attempt to apologise, causing Amy to get drunk outside a liquor store. In the end, Bernadette asks Amy to be maid of honour, and everything works out, but it's how they get there that makes the episode. The guys aren't really given much to do this week - bar Sheldon, and Leonard tagging along, but it's really nice to see the girls getting a chance to shine, especially Mayim Bialik, who is quite simply fantastic as Amy.

"The Isolation Permuatation" is an episode of The Big Bang Theory that makes you want to watch more. Always a good thing.


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