Friday 18 November 2011

TV Review: The League - "Yobagoya!" / "Carmenjello"

Season 3 - Episode 6/7

The League put out two episodes this week, seemingly for no real reason. Not one to complain, I happily watched both, enjoyed both, and now can't wait for Jeff Goldbum's guest appearence next week.

"Yobagoya" and "Carmenjello" were both funny, silly episodes, the type that The League has grown nicely into over the last year. In the former, Jenny passes the flu onto Ruxin just as he's about to work on the biggest case of his career, Taco tries to write a jingle for a terrible fast food company, and Pete gets into a feud with a traffic cop. It sounds daft, and most of it is, but it's damn funny at the same time. Ray Liotta turns up as Ruxin's boss - an inspired turn which I hope can become a semi recurring role - we get an anime inspired music video from Taco, and there's actually some football talk. Pete trying to give Taco lineup advice using charades was a highlight of the two episodes.

The latter episode sees Kevin and Jenny getting blueballed while Ellie's room is being redecorated, Ruxin being accused of favouring one of Sophia's breasts over the other, and Andre offending a janitor after donating money to (unwittingly) fund his old high school's Absitinence Club. Meanwhile, Taco buys a shedload of stamps, as they'll always increase in value, then inexplicably using them as currency.

The episode eventually sees Kevin offending the same janitor by taking a picture of his back to get the right paint colour for Ellie's room ("It’s nothing to do with racism! It’s the color of your skin" was an utterly fantastic line), a topless picture of Sophia waxed into the school's floor, and Jenny's stamp covered panties (don't ask) being used by Taco to buy paint. It's a delightfully silly episode, and it's becoming The League's forte.

These two episodes aren't the best of the season, or the show's run, but are stellar, enjoyable slices of television. As I mentioned, Jeff Goldblum is set to show up next week (as Ruxin's father, which could be amazing) for the Thanksgiving episode. Everything seems to be going the right way.

Yobagoya!: *** 1/2
Carmenjello: ****

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