Tuesday 13 December 2011

TV Review: The Big Bang Theory - "The Speckerman Recurrence"

Season 5 - Episode 11

Oh dear. Just when it starts to get good again, The Big Bang Theory goes into Christmas hiatus not only without a Christmas themed episode, but an absolute stinker. An episode devoid of imagination, heart and very light on the funny.

The bully who made Leonard's life hell in high school visits Pasadena and wants to meet up with Leonard. Bewildered, he goes to the meeting to find an apologetic bully. Later, he turns up at the guys' apartment drunk, and apologies further. The whole plot then revolved around him waking up hungover in the morning, reverting to being a bully again, and Leonard finally standing up to him. And then running away. It was weak, with only a few good jokes.

However, it was probably better than the girls' plot this week. Penny realises she was a bully in high school herself, and tries to make amends. When no-one will accept her apologies, the girls decide that she will donate her old clothes to charity to do a good deed. Unfortunately, when they get there, the girls end up taking some of the clothes donated by other people. They relent in the end, but really? That was the best plot they could come up with? Well at least Penny wasn't drunk this week.

To be honest, the episode wasn't actually as bad as I may have made it out to be, but it's easily the worst of the season, and one of the worst the show has ever done. But we know it should improve after the holiday.

** 1/2

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