Monday 12 December 2011

TV Review: Community - "Regional Holiday Music"

Season 3 - Episode 10

This is the episode that Community goes into extended hiatus on the back of. An elaborate 22 minute Glee parody with all original songs and Alison Brie in a sexy santa outfit. There's really not much that this show does wrong.

It starts by Jeff getting the Glee club arrested for singing copyrighted material, and sees the demented Glee club director (Tran Killam, in one of his patented over the top guest spots) attempt to persuade the study group to cover for them at the Christmas Paegent. Naturally, Abed takes the lead in this, and suddenly the study group are singing songs around the campus. Troy is predictably the easiest to tempt, and their Jay-Z and Kanye West parody is absolute genius. As the rest of them fall (including a star turn from Chevy Chase), it's up to Annie to seduce Jeff. Alison Brie in a skimpy fur lined red mini dress. Ho ho fucking ho, it's Christmas. The song is creepy, but it's still an incredible scene!

Of course, it turns out that the Glee club director is evil, and wants to use the gang for his own good, but Britta's awful singing puts pay to that idea, and the gang all end up spending Christmas with Abed, watching a terrible Dr Timespace Christmas special (an absolutely overwhelmingly great reference to the Star Wars Holiday Special, made even better by the fact that Chewbacca is going to be in actual Glee this week for some reason). It's a remarkably sweet scene, and actually very reminiscent of the ending scene of last year's utterly fantastic Christmas episode.

But that's it for Community as far as things stand. The back 12 episodes of the season will be produced and shown "at some point" by NBC, but who knows when that will be. For now, we say adios to Community, but we know we'll meet again.

**** 1/2

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