Tuesday 20 December 2011

TV Review: Family Guy - "Cool Hand Peter"

Season 10 - Episode 8
Fox (US)

Cleveland is back, but only for a week - as they make it abundantly clear in the opening scene - but his appearance doesn't help a lazy episode of Family guy that they really should have gotten more from. 

The premise is solid, the guys decide to take a road trip and run into some trouble with a corrupt sheriff in the deep south. The guys end up with 30 days in jail - a nice little court scene sees characters from The Simpsons as the jury - but most of the jokes fall flat, and when the guys find out that their jail term will be indefinitely extended, it was pretty obvious that a daring escape was going to be the course of action. The whole escape, chase and eventual return to Quahog had funny moments, especially Joe going bad ass, but it just wasn't overly great.

The episode's B-plot where Lois, Bonnie and Donna get drunk and humiliate Brian is just awful, and in fact the only funny part is a single line from Stewie (all he does in the entire episode). It's just not a good episode at all. Must do better.

** 1/2

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