Tuesday 20 December 2011

TV Review: Raising Hope - "The Men of New Natesville"

Season 2 - Episode 9
Fox (US)

The minor characters are what can make or break a show. The people who show up every now and then, speak the occasional line, and sometimes go on to have their own story. This episode is the turn of the slightly odd Frank, "The Deli Ninja". 

The jist of the story is Jimmy decides he needs to be more manly and dangerous in order to impress Sabrina. He does this by hanging out with Frank, the eccentric deli clerk from the grocery store. Finding a scale model of the town dominating Frank's house where he plays out his life the way he would like it to go, Jimmy finds out that the two of them were terrorised by the same bully in middle school. When they decide to confront the bully, they find out he is now a woman, but still get into a fight with him/her. They get beaten up, tell everyone that the bully was still a huge guy, and everything goes well for Jimmy with Sabrina.

"The Men of New Natesville" is a funny episode of Raising Hope, and it seems like the Jimmy/Sabrina relationship is getting closer. It'll be interesting to see where things go from here.

*** 1/2

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