Wednesday 21 December 2011

TV Review: The League - "The Guest Bong"

Season 3 - Episode 11

This season of The League has had some excellent moments, but has been let down at times with some sloppiness. One thing it seems to have absolutel nailed though, is how to end an episode. It's happened a few times in the season, but this week I was almost literally rolling around the floor laughing. In fact, the last two minutes of this episode gave it an extra half star on the rating. 

Ruxin gets himself banned from using his work email accounts for any league related activity, which plunges him into using hotmail. Add in some silly text messages, which have a variety of consequences, and the message is clear. Autocorrect is bad! Check before you send. As it turns out a misspelled text message caused a perputrator that Kevin had sent down two years before thought he was laughing at him as he was carted off to jail. That perp just happens to be Ellie's new friend's dad, and a chain of events, including another misspelt text leads to the two men believing the other is going to kill them. The situation gets hilarious when Taco - using Kevin's gun as a bong - gets absolutely baked and scares the crap out of both of them while wearing a Mr McGiblets costume. I laughed for a good ten minutes.

Elsewhere, Andre's latest fad seems to be becoming an old timey Cockney, while Pete finds out that his new girlfriend is a major meddler. These plots are fairly funny, but Taco's "guest bong" bit, and the scenes between Kevin and the ex con were very well done indeed. The League's third season ends in a double episode this coming week as we'll find out who wins the Shiva, and who'd destined for the Sacko. I look forward to it.

**** 1/2

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